Written on Thursday, November 01, 2007 at 12:15 PM

Music | Written by 【 Uniquely XC™ 】

I shall gladly dedicate this post to Britney Spears, the aging and fat pop queen. Her new album, blackout has just been released worldwide and frankly, I dont really find that a revelation in the world of pop until I heard the songs in the album...

Oh my, it had seriously redefined the world of pop, except that it had redefined the worst of pop, some of her songs sounded like a dance remix, others sounded so alike with the beats and everything so similar to her other songs, not that I am a music buff, but it is just my opinion

But on a positive note, I find the songs extremely addictive and I am listening to them now as I type, so is the queen of pop back? I think so, at least she is successful in causing people to listen to her songs repeatedly for hours : )

PS: I know I sound like some kind of music critique here, but I really must comment on this new album (its just so ADDICTIVE), and this review has not been in any way copied from other websites.

Added a new Music player, still at its developmental stage, hope you find the songs you like there